Imagery: Sensory Detail Lessons

Lesson One

  1. Reflection Write: If you could have any object what would it be?
  2. Sensory Detail: Discuss and Complete Activity sheet
    Sight - The red can
    Sound  - clanged down the stairs">

    Imagery: Sensory Detail Lessons

    Lesson One

    1. Reflection Write: If you could have any object what would it be?
    2. Sensory Detail: Discuss and Complete Activity sheet
      Sight - The red can
      Sound  - clanged down the stairs, sloshing
      Smell - Pepsi on the walls.  A sweet aroma filled the hall,
      Taste - mixing with the metallic air,
      Touch - coating my throat like a stale brownie*.

      *=simile: a comparison using the word like or as.
    3. Inference Riddles
      See description.
      -Students create one in class.
      -Students create two for homework.

    Lesson Two

    1. Reflection Write: Describe an experience you remember fondly.
    2. Share 5 riddles, then collect homework.
      These riddles paint a scene, so are appropriately called:  Scene Snapshots
    3. Character Snapshot
      • In pairs, students will paint a portrait in words, describing their partner using:
        all five senses and one simile.  100 words minimum.
      • ALSO, bring tomorrow a scarf of shirt for a blind fold, plus a towel for a bib.   Expect to get a little messy.
      • Optional Homework: In a book you are reading, copy a character description.   Include your own sensory details for the senses NOT included in the book.

    Lesson Three

    1. Reflection Write:  What do the following colors feel (touch) like?
      Blue, Red, White
    2. Share 6 Character Snapshots from books, then collect homework.
    3. Watch the visually impaired camp kitchen scene from the movie, Mask.
    4. In partners, one will be blindfolded and handed objects to describe, using all senses but sight.  The other partner will transcribe the descriptions.  The two will trade places halfway through the activity.  Guess the color of each object based on touch alone.
    5. X-Credit:  Describe tonight's meal using sensory detail (all 5) and 2 similes (150 word minimum)
    6. Homework:  Sensory Detail Exam (see detailsDue in three days.